VotER is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501c3-affiliated organization that a growing number of hospitals and residency programs have been partnering with. Their vision is to help create a future where those most hurt by the healthcare system are empowered to fix it by inviting their voices into the democratic process through voter registration in health care settings. COVID-19 has added new urgency to this work. The Healthy Democracy Kit helps healthcare providers register employees or patients to vote or request their absentee ballot using an ID badge backer that has a text short code on it so patients can access the platform on their own phones. Watch the short video below. Over 10,000 Healthy Democracy Kits have been ordered thus far and there is a competition among some programs! This is incredibly important for our population of parents, soon to be voting age eligible pediatric patients, and staff.
Several residency programs across the country have initiated a bulk order process through them to get their trainees equipped with this badge backer and they have two options to do this: a free digital option and a physical kit option which is around $6 – $10. All of their badges will track the overall number of voter registration or mail in ballots that have been generated by your institution. If interested, you can find out more here.