by Gretchen Homan, MD, FAAP
Rapid Questions Interview
What idea are you thinking about currently?
My friend was speaking to a group of young people at a college function and said that no single person can know how to do everything but together we can figure it out. This really resonated with me and I really enjoy the parts of my job that allow for me to collaborate with others, share our ideas and figure out how to move forward.
What surprised you in the last few months?
How many positive SCID screens I have seen on the state newborn screen. If this is something you have also experienced please reach out. I talked to the state and they also noted a drastic increase. Ruling this out has been surprisingly difficult from many rejected newborn screen samples to the fact that my local hospital lab at the big city hospital cannot do the specialized tests. In 2023 I have had families with newborns drive to Kansas City to have labs done because of a positive screen.
Is there something cool and fun you did recently?
I went to the Pediatric Academic Society meeting in Washington DC. I really enjoyed seeing so many people, those I work with now and some I have not seen for years. Lots of walking, so many things to see and academic posters on pediatric topics as far as the eye could see!
Final thoughts?
One of my patients broke her right arm last fall, it was pretty bad and required surgery with pins. She just got the all-clear this month. Kids are so amazing! The idea that she is fully healed and doing great is awesome! She is right-handed and learned to use her left hand for months and that’s so impressive. We can talk about safety and sometimes accidents still happen. Even after all of this, she is looking forward to a summer full of kid adventures and she is not afraid to try new things. So many things I can learn from her.
You all as Kansas pediatricians are supporting the health and future of our kids. What could be more important? If you need anything or have any feedback for KAAP please reach out. I think we all have so much in common and can help each other, please take the time to ask for help, I would love to hear from you!