Thursday, October 22, 2020
1:00 p.m. | KSKidsMAP: Getting Help When You’re Out of Your Depth Kari Harris, MD, Rachel Brown, MBBS, Nicole Klaus, PhD, ABPP, Polly Freeman, LBSW MSW, Amanda Aguila Gonzalez, and Manish Dixit, MD |
2:00 p.m. | Break |
2:05 p.m. | Rheum for All: A Medley of Rheumatology Cases Jordan T. Jones, DO, MS |
3:05 p.m. | Break |
3:10 p.m. | SARS-CoV-2 Testing Melanie Pollan, PhD |
4:10 p.m. | Adjourn |
4:15 p.m. | Join us for a virtual happy hour! |
Recorded Presentations (Available Starting October 23rd)
Behavioral Health in Primary Care (30 min)
Andrew Ormond, MD, FAAP
Strategies to Improve Physician Well-Being (30 min)
Elizabeth Ablah, PhD, MPH
Abdominal Pain – Food Intolerance vs. Food Allergy (60 min)
Valentine Enemuo, MD
Pediatric Lymphoma (60 min)
Nathan Hall, DO, MBA, MS
Got Milk? Optimizing Nutrition of Human Milk for Premature Infants (60 min)
Dena Hubbard, MD
Precocious Puberty (60 min)
Fadi Al Muhaisen, MD, FAAP
Cardiology for the Primary Pediatric Provider (60 min)
Chris Mathis, MD