By Dena K. Hubbard MD, FAAP
(continued from Kansas Pediatrician eNewsletter, August 2018)
The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Get Out the Vote campaign, #VoteKids, encourages pediatricians and others who care for children to vote with kids in mind this election. The campaign website,, includes information on what’s at stake for children, how and where to register to vote and what you can do to speak up for children at the ballot box. The AAP’s #VoteKids Toolkit, is available on the website.
From August 20-24, the AAP is leading a #VoteKids Week of Action.During this week, please consider adding your voice to the AAP’s efforts and encouraging others to vote with children in mind this November. You can participate in AAP’s #VoteKids Week of Action by:
Checking your voter registration.
You can register to vote or verify your voter registration status online at This is especially important for trainees who have moved out of their home state.
Making your voting plan.
Make sure you are aware of Kansas voter ID requirements and registration deadlines. Trainees may need to request an absentee ballot. The last day of the 2018 NCE, Tuesday, November 6, is Election Day. Consider absentee and early voting.For more information on voter registration, absentee voting, and early voting, visit
Sharing why you’re going to #VoteKids this election on social media.
Update your social media profile picture to show others that you #VoteKids. Share messages on Twitter and Facebook found in the #VoteKids Toolkit. Share pictures of how you are helping to Get Out the Vote on social media using #VoteKids.
Exploring the AAP’s #VoteKids toolkit.
The AAP’s #VoteKids Toolkit compiles several resources and tools you can use to help Get Out the Vote, including sample social media messages, polling time infographics, op-ed guidelines and an Rx to Vote to share with patients and parents.
Please encourage your colleagues to join you in these efforts and thank you for your help to #VoteKids!
Save the date: KAAP Advocacy Day on February 12, 2019.