The 2019 CATCH call for proposals
Visit the CATCH Grants webpage for information and application guidelines. Application deadline is July 31, 2018 at 1 PM ET.
In addition to our general call for proposals, CATCH partners with the following groups to support pediatricians and pediatric residents conducting community-based projects that advance child health and well-being.
- Council on Community Pediatrics (COCP)
- Council on Environmental Health (COEH)
- Section on Pediatric Trainees (SOPT)
- Boulter CATCH Oral Health Endowment
- National Dairy Council (NDC)
Their generous support will help sponsor grants that address topics that are of current interest/priority to their membership. Details about these special funding opportunities can be found in the guidelines.
KAAP CATCH Coordinator
Jeff Colvin, MD
Community Access to Child Health (CATCH)
For More Info: